Q: What are your favourite outdoor activities?
A: Hike, Climb, Kayak, Bike, Ski, Backcountry Ski, Backpacking
Q: Darren at VPO Red Deer is an espresso fanatic. What about you? Coffee or tea?
A: Coffee!
Q: What is your favourite Piece of Gear?
A: Touring bike - Specialized "Diverge" but any bike that can carry panniers will do.

Q: What is on your playlist right now?
A: Lucinda Williams mostly, BB King, Arcade Fire, Emmylou Harris
Q: What is your best childhood memory of the outdoors?
A: Bowron Lakes with Dad, I think I was 13

Q: What's your favourite adventure to date?
A: Month-long cycle tour of northern Scotland 2018

Q: What is on your list of adventures this season?
A: More trail work, building a loop around Echo Lake, and up to Alec Lake.
Q: If you could travel to any country, where would you go?
A: I would love to go to the Faroe Islands one day!
Q: Where can we find you on Instagram?
A: You can follow me at @murraysovereign!